都市緑化技術 No.117

Green things and thoughts:Asian perspectives on green infrastructure
Green things and thoughts:Asian perspectives on green infrastructure
東京大学大学院工学系研究科 教授
公益財団法人都市緑化機構 理事長 横張 真
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,President,Organization for Landscape and Urban Green Infrastructure Makoto Yokohari
公益財団法人都市緑化機構 理事長 横張 真
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,President,Organization for Landscape and Urban Green Infrastructure Makoto Yokohari
Blue-green Infrastructure - from the Perspective of Singapore's "City in Nature" Vision
Blue-green Infrastructure - from the Perspective of Singapore's "City in Nature" Vision
シンガポール国立大学 建築学科 講師 遠藤 賢也
Kenya Endo: National University of Singapore, College of Design and Engineering, Department of Architecture, Lecturer
Kenya Endo: National University of Singapore, College of Design and Engineering, Department of Architecture, Lecturer
Green Infrastructure in Shanghai,China
Green Infrastructure in Shanghai,China
華陽国際工程設計股份有限公司 執行マスタープランナー 曹 逸
CAO YI: Huayang International Engineering Design Co., Ltd. Executive Master Planner
CAO YI: Huayang International Engineering Design Co., Ltd. Executive Master Planner
The present and future of Seoul's park and landscape policy
The present and future of Seoul's park and landscape policy
ソウル特別市 みどり都市局長 ユ ヨンボン
Yoo Young-Bong: Seoul Metropolitan Government,Director-General Green Seoul Bureau,Adjunct Prof.at UOS
Yoo Young-Bong: Seoul Metropolitan Government,Director-General Green Seoul Bureau,Adjunct Prof.at UOS
Current Status and Future of Green Infrastructure in Hanoi
Current Status and Future of Green Infrastructure in Hanoi
シニアプランナー・独立研究者 ト キエン
Dr.To Kien: Senior Planner/Independent Researcher
Dr.To Kien: Senior Planner/Independent Researcher
The Latest Situation of Green Infrastructure in Taiwan
The Latest Situation of Green Infrastructure in Taiwan
緑達人有限公司 本部長 孫 崇欽
Sun Chongqin: Green Professional Co., Ltd Director
Sun Chongqin: Green Professional Co., Ltd Director
The Current status and issues of urban greening in Malaysia
The Current status and issues of urban greening in Malaysia
トゥンク・アブドゥル・ラーマン ユニバーシティカレッジ マズラ・マハジル
Dr.Mazura Mahdzir: Tunku Abdul Rahman University College(TARUC)
Dr.Mazura Mahdzir: Tunku Abdul Rahman University College(TARUC)
A History of Gardening in England
A History of Gardening in England
竹歳 誠
京都大学大学院 農学研究科 森林科学専攻 崔 麗華
特定非営利活動法人 雨水まちづくりサポート
令和3年度 都市の緑3表彰 受賞者一覧
「2021 SEGES(社会・環境貢献緑地評価システム)認定証授与式」を東京大学農学部弥生講堂・一条ホールにて11月1日に開催!
機関誌「都市緑化技術」編集委員会 委員名簿/お知らせ/あとがき