都市緑化技術 No.119

Retrospect and prospect of the regulation to green buildings under Urban Green Act
Retrospect and prospect of the regulation to green buildings under Urban Green Act
東北大学大学院法学研究科 教授
京都大学経営管理大学院 客員教授 御手洗 潤
Jun Mitarai:Professor,Graduate School of Public Policy,Tohoku University Adjunct Professor,Graduate School of Management,Kyoto University
京都大学経営管理大学院 客員教授 御手洗 潤
Jun Mitarai:Professor,Graduate School of Public Policy,Tohoku University Adjunct Professor,Graduate School of Management,Kyoto University
Current Status of Greening Policies Based on Urban Green Space Act
Current Status of Greening Policies Based on Urban Green Space Act
国土交通省 都市局 公園緑地・景観課 緑地環境室 企画専門官 野村 亘
Wataru Nomura:Senior Deputy Director,Green Space Environment Office,City Bureau,Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism
Wataru Nomura:Senior Deputy Director,Green Space Environment Office,City Bureau,Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism
Promotion of greening private lands in Nagoya ~ centering on greening district system ~
Promotion of greening private lands in Nagoya ~ centering on greening district system ~
名古屋市 緑政土木局 緑地部 緑地維持課 太髙 将明
Masaaki Otaka:Parks Maintenance Division,Parks Department,Greenification and Public Works Bureau,City of Nagoya
Masaaki Otaka:Parks Maintenance Division,Parks Department,Greenification and Public Works Bureau,City of Nagoya
Promotion of populace-owned greening at Setagaya Ward –Utilization of regulations with local character
Promotion of populace-owned greening at Setagaya Ward –Utilization of regulations with local character
世田谷区 みどり33 推進担当部 みどり政策課 上原 雅三
Masami Uehara:Setagaya city Green City Strategy33 promotion charge Department Greenery Planning Division
Masami Uehara:Setagaya city Green City Strategy33 promotion charge Department Greenery Planning Division
Creating open space by private sector -As existence to support sustainable urban development
Creating open space by private sector -As existence to support sustainable urban development
株式会社三菱地所設計 フェロー ランドスケープ設計室長 植田 直樹
Naoki Ueda:Fellow,Landscape Design Office,Mitsubishi Jisho Design Inc.
Naoki Ueda:Fellow,Landscape Design Office,Mitsubishi Jisho Design Inc.
Citizen-led Eniwa Flower Town Development
Citizen-led Eniwa Flower Town Development
北海道恵庭市 経済部 全国都市緑化北海道フェア推進室 上山 謙太郎
Kentaro Ueyama:Hokkaido Eniwa City Economic Department National Urban Greening Hokkaido Fair Promotion Office
Kentaro Ueyama:Hokkaido Eniwa City Economic Department National Urban Greening Hokkaido Fair Promotion Office
A study on the implementation of greenery spaces on comprehensive building design projects in Tokyo
A study on the implementation of greenery spaces on comprehensive building design projects in Tokyo
国土交通省 国土技術政策総合研究所 主任研究官 熊倉 永子
Eiko Kumakura:Senior Reseacher,National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management
筑波大学 教授 村上 暁信
Akinobu Murakami:Professor,University of Tsukuba
元国立研究開発法人建築研究所 主任研究員 武田 ゆうこ
Yuuko Takeda:Senior Research Engineer,Building Research Institute
Eiko Kumakura:Senior Reseacher,National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management
筑波大学 教授 村上 暁信
Akinobu Murakami:Professor,University of Tsukuba
元国立研究開発法人建築研究所 主任研究員 武田 ゆうこ
Yuuko Takeda:Senior Research Engineer,Building Research Institute
兵庫県立大学 環境人間学研究科(当時) 胡 清清
30by30 目標と自然共生サイト(仮称)
環境省 自然環境局 自然環境計画課 課長補佐 小林 誠
都市緑化フォーラム2022の開催/令和4年度 調査研究活動の助成対象者の決定について/Floriade Expo 2022 フロリアード
機関誌「都市緑化技術」編集委員会 委員名簿/お知らせ/あとがき