都市緑化技術 No.118

Enactment of river basin management laws and Reassessment of green spaces
Enactment of river basin management laws and Reassessment of green spaces
公益財団法人都市緑化機構 専務理事 梛野 良明
Yoshiaki Nagino:Executive Director,Organization for Landscape and Urban Green infrastructure
Yoshiaki Nagino:Executive Director,Organization for Landscape and Urban Green infrastructure
Green spaces for rainwater storage and penetration in new act for river basin management
Green spaces for rainwater storage and penetration in new act for river basin management
国土交通省 都市局 都市計画課 環境計画調整官 脇坂 隆一
Ryuichi Wakisaka:Director for Environment Planning Coordination, Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism City Bureau City Planning Division
Ryuichi Wakisaka:Director for Environment Planning Coordination, Ministry of Land,Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism City Bureau City Planning Division
Methodology of green infrastructure planning towards the sustainability of
water circulation based on watershed
Methodology of green infrastructure planning towards the sustainability of
water circulation based on watershed
中央大学研究開発機構 機構教授
東京大学 名誉教授 石川 幹子
Mikiko Ishikawa:Prof.of Research and Development Initiative,Chuo University Prof.Emeritus,The University of Tokyo
東京大学 名誉教授 石川 幹子
Mikiko Ishikawa:Prof.of Research and Development Initiative,Chuo University Prof.Emeritus,The University of Tokyo
Urban Parks and River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All : Approach from the Perspective
of Green Infrastructure
Urban Parks and River Basin Disaster Resilience and Sustainability by All : Approach from the Perspective
of Green Infrastructure
千葉大学大学院園芸学研究院 准教授 木下 剛
Takeshi Kinoshita:Associate Professor,Chiba University Graduate School of Horticulture
千葉大学大学院 園芸学研究院 准教授 竹内 智子
Tomoko Takeuchi:Associate Professor,Chiba University Graduate School of Horticulture
Takeshi Kinoshita:Associate Professor,Chiba University Graduate School of Horticulture
千葉大学大学院 園芸学研究院 准教授 竹内 智子
Tomoko Takeuchi:Associate Professor,Chiba University Graduate School of Horticulture
Applicability of watershed scale hydrological modeling and simulation to urban land-use planning
Applicability of watershed scale hydrological modeling and simulation to urban land-use planning
株式会社地圏環境テクノロジー 代表取締役社長 田原 康博
Yasuhiro Tawara:President and Representative director, Geosphere Environmental Technology Corporation
Yasuhiro Tawara:President and Representative director, Geosphere Environmental Technology Corporation
Urban development that integrates water and greenery and the development of green infrastructure
Urban development that integrates water and greenery and the development of green infrastructure
横浜市 環境創造局 政策課 みどり政策調整担当課長 岩間 隆男
Takao Iwama:Director for Greenery Policy Coordination,Policy Division,Environmental Planning Bureau,City of Yokohama
Takao Iwama:Director for Greenery Policy Coordination,Policy Division,Environmental Planning Bureau,City of Yokohama
Vegetation in diverse waterside environments
Vegetation in diverse waterside environments
信州大学大学院 総合理工学研究科 ランドスケープ研究室 特任教授 エコラン研究所 代表 小川 総一郎
Soichiro Ogawa:Prof, Landscape studio,Graduate School of Science and Technology,Shinshu University Representative,Ecological Landscape Studio
Soichiro Ogawa:Prof, Landscape studio,Graduate School of Science and Technology,Shinshu University Representative,Ecological Landscape Studio
東北大学大学院 環境科学研究科(当時) 田代 藍
特定非営利活動法人ワトワーズ多聞台 理事長 島本 信夫
SEGES「都市のオアシス」ガーデンツアー2021開催報告 大手町エリア、池袋エリアの緑地を見学しました!
□機関誌「都市緑化技術」編集委員会 委員名簿/お知らせ/あとがき